Khonoma village, Nagaland

Khonoma village, Nagaland Khonoma village claims to be the first Green village in India. Situated about 20 kms from Kohima the capital of Nagaland, a state in Northeastern part of India, Khonoma is an Angami Naga tribal village. There are 16 major tribes in Nagaland, Angami being one of them. Entrance gate with traditional motifs. A picturesque village on top of a hill, Khonoma has about 500 households. Beautiful terraced rice fields in the valley below surrounded by hills is a sight to behold. Khonoma has adopted many green practices like banning cutting of trees for commercial purposes, reforestation, sustainable agricultural practices etc. to maintain the greenery and natural ecosystem of the surrounding areas. People can hike around the village in the many paved walkways dotted with pretty flowers and exotic orchids enjoying the panoramic views all around. Smaller...